result count: 8

SC_421116Sprinkle the [202351|Lime Powder].
SC_421116_0You should probably sprinkle some here.
SC_421116_1You sprinkle the [202351|Lime Powder] near the Refugee Camp.
Sys421116_nameFirst Line of Defense
Sys421116_szquest_accept_detailAlthough the refugees are in no immediate danger, the wild creatures in the area may attack them. Could I ask you to take [202351|Lime Powder] and sprinkle it at the entrance to the <CP>refugee camp</CP>? This way no wild animals would dare come close.
Sys421116_szquest_complete_detailYou did well, but we can't rest yet.
Sys421116_szquest_desc[111137|Sloan Shuder] wants you to go to the entrance of the <CP>refugee camp</CP> and sprinkle [202351|Lime Powder].