result count: 4

Sys421135_nameThe New Blacksmith's Experience
Sys421135_szquest_accept_detailThis is a note saying that [111119|Jatos] has promised you a sum of money for the purchase of some unusual [202327|Myr Tin] ore.\n\nAccording to this, you should take this note to <CP>[ZONE_KARDAMOTH|Kadmos Trading Post]</CP> and find someone named [111120|Beli]. You will then be paid.
Sys421135_szquest_complete_detailYoung master wrote this note... he is so reckless with his money.\n\nI'm sorry, but we are from Phirius Workshops. Master [111119|Jatos] often spends all his money wantonly. His father wants the young master to break this habit, so he asked Xilinas to teach [111119|Jatos] blacksmithing. But the young master's natural talent allowed him to pick up the art very quickly, and he still spends money like water...\n\nNo matter. I will give you the amount requested in the note.
Sys421135_szquest_descTake the note to [111120|Beli] in <CP>[ZONE_KARDAMOTH|Kadmos Trading Post]</CP> to get the money for the [202327|Myr Tin] ore.