result count: 5

Sys421137_nameInfluencing Factors
Sys421137_szquest_accept_detailFrom the results of the blood tests, I found that they are of a very different composition than what I suspected. This composition could result in the Ice Dwarves becoming aggressive.\n\nMany research journals have concluded that blood composition is affected by diet. I think we should research any recent changes to the Ice Dwarves' diets.\n\nCollect 15 samples of [202332|Ice Dwarf Food] so that I can continue my research. You should be able to get them in [ZONE_MULGRUM CANYON|Ice Dwarf Valley], or Ice Dwarves may be carrying them. But please don't hurt any of those cute fellows if at all possible.
Sys421137_szquest_complete_detailGood. I can start my analysis immediately, but...
Sys421137_szquest_descHelp the biologist [111121|Jacob] collect 15 samples of [202332|Ice Dwarf Food].
Sys421137_szquest_uncomplete_detailHelp me collect 15 samples of [202332|Ice Dwarf Food] so that I can continue my analysis. You can find them in [ZONE_MULGRUM CANYON|Ice Dwarf Valley]. The Ice Dwarves will probably also be carrying some. But if you can, please avoid hurting those cute little guys.