result count: 5

Sys421173_nameMedicine Supplies
Sys421173_szquest_accept_detailLet me look...The outpost doesn't have enough medicine to keep out the cold!\n\nLet me look at the inventory...\n\nHmm... We don't have much [202354|Crow Grass] or [202249|Deer Blood]. We'll need to go hunting. I remember that there is [202354|Crow Grass] near [ZONE_ZAIZOLL OUTPOST|Khazor's Watchtower] that you can gather. [202249|Deer Blood] can be taken from [<S>100267|Khazor Reindeer] near here. I guess that I would need about 10 of each. Please go quick!
Sys421173_szquest_complete_detailFantastic. I hadn't misjudged you.
Sys421173_szquest_descCollect 10 bunches of [202354|Crow Grass] and hunt 10 portions of [202249|Deer Blood] for [110254|Kurami] in [ZONE_ZAIZOLL OUTPOST|Khazor's Watchtower].
Sys421173_szquest_uncomplete_detailQuicker you go, quicker you'll finish! It's a really easy job.