result count: 5

Sys421179_nameLosing a Personal Letter
Sys421179_szquest_accept_detailHe's going to kill me! Did I drop it somewhere? I remember putting it down here...This is weird...\n\nHmm? These footprints...are they reindeer's? This is the work of a reindeer! Where did it take the letter...\n\nDid you see it? Ah... Can I ask you to do something for me?!\n\nI've lost colonel [202360|Hans' Personal Letter]. It was probably a reindeer! But I'm only guessing because this is just the sort of mean thing they do! They've probably carried it off somewhere. It wouldn't be the first time. I can't leave the outpost and I don't want to make the colonel suspicious so can I ask you to find the colonel's personal letter. Looking at the tracks direction, they're probably in [ZONE_ZAIZOLL OUTPOST|Khazor's Watchtower]. I'm trusting this to you. Get [202360|Hans' Personal Letter] back!
Sys421179_szquest_complete_detailThat was close! You got it before the colonel found out what happened. Thank you so much!
Sys421179_szquest_descHelp [110254|Kurami] by finding [ZONE_OBSIDIAN BASTION|Obsidian Stronghold] colonel [202360|Hans' Personal Letter] in [ZONE_ZAIZOLL OUTPOST|Khazor's Watchtower].
Sys421179_szquest_uncomplete_detailPlease don't tell anyone and hurry!