result count: 4

Sys421202_nameSeek Pan's Help
Sys421202_szquest_accept_detailThis is not good. If this report is true...\n\nDamn those Kobolds! Their shamans are preparing a poison to put in the lake! That's one of [ZONE_VARANAS|Varanas'] main source of water... Our people are in grave danger. \n\nHurry and find [110596|Pan]! She knows a great deal about poisons. We need her help.
Sys421202_szquest_complete_detailThe [<S>100295|Kobold Shamans] plan to poison the lake? What should we do....
Sys421202_szquest_descSeek [110596|Pan's] help. She should be in [ZONE_VARANAS WEST WING|Lower City West].