result count: 5

Sys421211_nameThe South also has a Barrier
Sys421211_szquest_accept_detailI swear! They've been prioritizing battle duties, and so I've been forced to abandon my supply duties.\n\nBut they didn't think at all what would happen to our fighting capability if we were to lose our supplies.\n\nAnyway, complaining isn't going to solve anything.\n\nCan you help me? I need these [202690|Military Goods] to be taken to the Southern [ZONE_MITHUR DEFENSIVE LINE|Mithur Defensive Line] Camp. Follow the canyon outside the [ZONE_CITADEL AGRIZA|Cyclops Stronghold] west to find the camp.\n\nYou need to find the Supply Officer there called [111342|Paladia]. He'll sign for it. If you could do this sometime on your journey, I'd be very grateful. [111342|Paladia] is very generous, I'm sure he'll give you a big tip.
Sys421211_szquest_complete_detailWhy have you brought this? Where's the guy that is responsible for this kind of thing?\n\nAh! Whatever! He's probably been assigned some other task. This is getting to be a real problem. Especially here...
Sys421211_szquest_descTake [202690|Military Goods] to Officer [111342|Paladia] at the [ZONE_MITHUR DEFENSIVE LINE|Mithur Defensive Line] south of the [ZONE_CITADEL AGRIZA|Cyclops Stronghold].
Sys421211_szquest_uncomplete_detailWhy have you brought this? Where's the guy that should be bringing this? And what about the supplies?