result count: 5

Sys421222_nameResearching Diet
Sys421222_szquest_accept_detailEr... Seems you're not really afraid of those gnolls, right?\n\nOh, by the gods! Why is everybody as brave as [111182|Ali Fireball]? Those gnolls are so terrible, with their arrows and axes... I dare not fight them in close quarters.\n\nBut the research on the Ice Dwarves has slowed down incredibly! I must find a way to continue...\n\nCan you help me go to <CP>the [ZONE_MULGRUM STRONGHOLD|Ice Dwarf Garrison] in the north</CP>, find some [<S>111186|Dead Ice Dwarves], and bring their [<S>202387|Ice Dwarf Stomachs] back to me?
Sys421222_szquest_complete_detailUm! You can do it all, can't you? That's wonderful!\n\nAnd whatever is inside the [202387|Ice Dwarf Stomach] hasn't leaked out... oh! It is very heavy! They really are good at eating!
Sys421222_szquest_descGo to the [ZONE_MULGRUM STRONGHOLD|Ice Dwarf Garrison] in the north and find [<S>111186|Dead Ice Dwarves]. Bring 15 [<S>202387|Ice Dwarf Stomachs] to [111183|Arthur Cutblade].
Sys421222_szquest_uncomplete_detailWhen you cut them down, please be careful not let whatever is inside leak out... and remember to make sure there are no gnolls behind you!