result count: 5

Sys421229_nameArchers from the Northeast
Sys421229_szquest_accept_detailThe gnolls have a very keen sense of smell. Although this does not help them much in melee fights, but it helps make their archers difficult to defeat.\n\nIf you want to defeat them, I would advise you kill [<S>100841|Snowclaw Poisoners] first.\n\nReducing the number of gnoll archers first will make it easier to get close to their camp!
Sys421229_szquest_complete_detailYou really are more powerful than we are... If we had tried that, we might not have made it back.
Sys421229_szquest_descGo to the gnolls' camp to the northeast and kill 15 [<S>100841|Snowclaw Poisoners]. Then report to [111194|Locota], the Commander of the [111194|Locota] Mercenaries.
Sys421229_szquest_uncomplete_detailClose in quickly! Kill them before they shoot!\n\nI am good at theory... But not as good on the actual battlefield.