result count: 5

Sys421243_nameJoseph's Strategy
Sys421243_szquest_accept_detail[111210|Barrett Kota] is so naive!\n\nThose gnolls are very ferocious. Although we have weapons, we still have been unable to defeat them. Of course, the best choice is to find some powerful adventurer to kill them!\n\nYou look pretty strong. Can you help us poor woodsmen?\n\nKill 10 gnolls. The remaining gnolls will certainly withdraw then! This is the smartest strategy!
Sys421243_szquest_complete_detailYou came back! Did you annihilate all those gnolls?
Sys421243_szquest_descKill 10 [<S>100833|Motley Crew Axemen] and then report back to [111209|Joseph Kota].
Sys421243_szquest_uncomplete_detailIf I were as strong as you, I would love to kill those gnolls myself!