result count: 10

SC_421249_1You do not have a target
SC_421249_2You have already lost this gnoll.
SC_421249_3Your target musn't be in battle
SC_421249_4Target error
SC_421249_5The gnoll begins to burn
Sys421249_nameThe Research Team's Wisdom
Sys421249_szquest_accept_detailThose three brothers are really good at choosing the right time... Normally I'd have no time to deal with such a request, but now things are different! Think I might turn some of my anger onto those gnolls!\n\nTake these bottles and throw one at each kind of gnoll. It will burn them up! You should be able to easily dispatch them then! \n\nGive the 10 remaining bottles to the brothers. They'll be enough for them to protect themselves!\n\nTell them the gnolls are afraid of fire. There is so much wood lying around there, they should know what to do next.
Sys421249_szquest_complete_detailHave those researchers told you any way to defeat these gnolls?
Sys421249_szquest_descThrow the [202385|Ali's Special Medicine Bottle] that [111182|Ali Fireball] gave to you at the three kinds of gnolls have besieged the Snow Mountain Logging Area. Give the 10 remaining bottles to [111210|Barrett Kota].
Sys421249_szquest_uncomplete_detailDid you find them?