result count: 10

SC_421252_0My leg is broken! AHH! What are you doing? Don't touch it!
SC_421252_1This person hasn't been dead for long. Judging by his apparel, he is a Gordon mercenary, and if you look closely, "Takka" is sewn on the collar...
SC_421252_2Who are you? This place is very dangerous!
SC_421252_3Gordon sent me here to rescue you!
SC_421252_4Great! Now that you've dealt with all the gnolls around here, I should be able to find my way back on my own. Thank you!
Sys421252_nameSave the Captives
Sys421252_szquest_accept_detailGreat! Let us take advantage of their confusion and free the captives!\n\nI just checked it out. It looks like we have three members that have been captured. You should remember their names, [111203|David], [111204|Roger] and [111205|Takka].\n\nYou must find them, whether they are dead or alive. Please!
Sys421252_szquest_complete_detailWhat? Only [111203|David] and [111204|Roger] are still alive...?\n\n[111205|Takka]...
Sys421252_szquest_descFind the captured mercenaries, whether they are dead or alive...
Sys421252_szquest_uncomplete_detailThe slower you act, the more dangerous they are in. So please move out quickly!