result count: 5

Sys421253_nameMercenary with Broken Legs
Sys421253_szquest_accept_detailAh! Don't move me!\n\nI can't stand up! I need to support myself with a branch or something...\n\nI remember that I saw some gnolls carrying [<S>202403|Solid Staves]. They must use them set up their camps. But not every gnoll has one, so it might take some time finding one that does...
Sys421253_szquest_complete_detailOk! You go on ahead!\n\nI can deal with the remaining ones by myself...
Sys421253_szquest_descHelp [111203|David] find a [202403|Solid Staff] to support himself with. A gnoll at any of the farms may have one...
Sys421253_szquest_uncomplete_detailHurry up! Those gnolls will be back soon!