result count: 5

Sys421277_nameEliminate the Source of Sewer Odor
Sys421277_szquest_accept_detailThis smell is unusually foul...spit! And these [<S>103534|Sewer Mud Monsters] running around...spit, spit!\n\nWho knows why these strange monsters are running out of the [ZONE_DNG_DAELANIS_SEWER|Dalanis Sewers]? Mud monsters usually live in the deepest part of the [ZONE_DNG_DAELANIS_SEWER|Dalanis Sewers], with one or two coming near a hole. You can find them just by smelling.\n\nThis stench is hard to stand. [$PLAYERNAME], go collect the [<S>103534|Sewer Mud Monsters] that have run out. Once they're eliminated, the smell will slowly fade.
Sys421277_szquest_complete_detailVery good, you did well. Go rest first, then come back and report to me.
Sys421277_szquest_descGet rid of the [<S>103534|Sewer Mud Monsters], then return and report to [114420|Sueke Haragen].
Sys421277_szquest_uncomplete_detailWhoo...the stench of carrion, dead water, feces, and who knows what one could stand here and take it for a whole day.