result count: 5

Sys421279_namePreparing for Departure
Sys421279_szquest_accept_detailYou say you have come to help [111170|Sheor] find someone, right? I've got some bad news for you......\n\nOn the road to [ZONE_AWERKA TUNDRA|Awerka Tundra], I found this travel log with the name [111235|Lorei] on it...but, on the cover, there are some frightening blood stains!\n\nYes, perhaps the person for whom you are searching has already met a dismal fate......\n\nWhat? Do you still insist on searching for this person?\n\nBut with clothing this thin, won't you get sick before you even find anyone?\n\nOkay! First, go to that building over there that was wrecked by an avalanche. In that area, there's a box. In it, there are [<S>202488|Perilla Leaves] that I have gathered in my leisure time. They have a large concentration of oil that you can use to make [202502|Perilla Oil] with!\n\nTake a [203071|Handful of Perilla Leaves] from that [111453|Box]! I'll help you make some oil. You can light it when you're cold to warm yourself up a little bit.
Sys421279_szquest_complete_detailThis is [202502|Perilla Oil]. Be careful, don't spill it!
Sys421279_szquest_descNear the wrecked outpost ahead, get a [203071|Handful of Perilla Leaves] from [111453|Box], which you must then give to [111236|Kabbah].
Sys421279_szquest_uncomplete_detailOh yes......that [111170|Sheor] hasn't come by here to chat in a long time!