result count: 5

Sys421281_nameFood Supplies
Sys421281_szquest_accept_detailIf [111235|Lorei] went to the [ZONE_AWERKA TUNDRA|Awerka Tundra] because of the legends of the Winged Dragon King, then I think I can probably guess where he will be!\n\nLook at the cliff ahead. Near it, there is a cave. Follow the path to the cave and on the mountainside there is a very odd-looking dead tree. Near that, there are the remains of various beasts......and I would be willing to bet that [111235|Lorei] is holed up in that cave.\n\nOne more moment, youngster, I'm not finished. According to the letter from [111236|Kabbah], it seems [111235|Lorei] has been injured, so you should take [202503|Medical Herb] and [202502|Perilla Oil]. [111236|Kabbah] says that he gave you a bottle of [202502|Perilla Oil]. Do you still have it on you?\n\nSplendid! Well, here is the [202503|Medical Herb], take it!\n\nOh, and I think you should hunt some [202490|Bear Meat] in the area to take with you! Even if he hasn't been injured, I'm pretty sure taking plenty of food for him would be quite beneficial.
Sys421281_szquest_complete_detailCan we eat this bear meat? I've been hungry for many days......
Sys421281_szquest_descTake [202502|Perilla Oil], [202503|Medical Herb], and 17 pieces of [202490|Bear Meat] to the cliff cave and determine the whereabouts of [111235|Lorei].