result count: 5

Sys421281_nameSuministros de alimentosFood Supplies
Sys421281_szquest_accept_detailSi [111235|Lorei] se ha adentrado en la [ZONE_AWERKA TUNDRA|Tundra de Awerka] debido a las leyendas que circulan sobre el Rey de los dragones alados, me figuro dónde puede estar...\n\nFijaos en el precipicio de enfrente. Muy cerca se halla una cueva. Si seguís el camino hacia la cueva, en el sendero encontraréis un árbol marchito de apariencia extraña. Muy cerca hay restos de varias bestias. Os aseguro que [111235|Lorei] está escondido dentro de esa cueva.\n\nPero esperad, joven... Aún no he terminado. Según la carta de [111236|Kabbah], parece que [111235|Lorei] ha resultado herido, así que deberíais llevar con vos [202503|Hierba medicinal] y [202502|Aceite de ortiga]. [111236|Kabbah] dice que os ha entregado una botella de [202502|Aceite de ortiga]. ¿Aún la tenéis?\n\n¡Muy bien! Aquí tenéis la [202503|Hierba medicinal].\n\nPor cierto, creo que sería buena idea conseguir [202490|Carne de oso] de los alrededores para llevársela. Aunque no esté herido, seguramente no tenga demasiada comida.If [111235|Lorei] went to the [ZONE_AWERKA TUNDRA|Awerka Tundra] because of the legends of the Winged Dragon King, then I think I can probably guess where he will be!\n\nLook at the cliff ahead. Near it, there is a cave. Follow the path to the cave and on the mountainside there is a very odd-looking dead tree. Near that, there are the remains of various beasts......and I would be willing to bet that [111235|Lorei] is holed up in that cave.\n\nOne more moment, youngster, I'm not finished. According to the letter from [111236|Kabbah], it seems [111235|Lorei] has been injured, so you should take [202503|Medical Herb] and [202502|Perilla Oil]. [111236|Kabbah] says that he gave you a bottle of [202502|Perilla Oil]. Do you still have it on you?\n\nSplendid! Well, here is the [202503|Medical Herb], take it!\n\nOh, and I think you should hunt some [202490|Bear Meat] in the area to take with you! Even if he hasn't been injured, I'm pretty sure taking plenty of food for him would be quite beneficial.
Sys421281_szquest_complete_detail¿Se puede comer esta carne de oso? Tengo tantísima hambre...Can we eat this bear meat? I've been hungry for many days......
Sys421281_szquest_descLlevad con vos [202502|Aceite de ortiga], [202503|Hierba medicinal] y 17 pedazos de [202490|Carne de oso] a la cueva del precipicio y determinad el paradero de [111235|Lorei].Take [202502|Perilla Oil], [202503|Medical Herb], and 17 pieces of [202490|Bear Meat] to the cliff cave and determine the whereabouts of [111235|Lorei].