result count: 5

Sys421287_nameDelivering the Dragonscales
Sys421287_szquest_accept_detailYou said I'm mean? You're wrong! I'm just more calculating, and think things through in more detail. Don't call me such nasty things, and don't forget - you're the one who asked me! Now you dare criticize me like this? Don't you think you're a bit lacking in manners?\n\nHmph! Never mind, I won't bother arguing with you! But I have another task for you to do, if you think you're up for it.\n\nHelp me carry these [<S>202493|Dragon Scales] back to the [ZONE_KARDAMOTH|Kadmos Trading Post] and give them to my daughter [111211|Shana]. It's that simple, and you will be rewarded at the end. Only a fool would refuse such an easy task!
Sys421287_szquest_complete_detailYou again? Hey, since we're friends, let's just forget about that reward, yeah?
Sys421287_szquest_descHelp [111238|Jaffia] of [ZONE_LOMGART PATHWAY|Lomgart Pass] return the [<S>202493|Dragon Scales] to [111211|Shana] of the [ZONE_KARDAMOTH|Kadmos Trading Post].