result count: 5

Sys421318_szquest_accept_detailOh, hello there, youngster! Come over here for a moment...Old [111289|Hal] has something to ask of you...\n\nI can tell that you aren't from these parts. I know that I've never seen you before...and I've lived in Kadmos with its unending winter since I was born. Aside from the time that I took some mammoths to Marl Outpost to do some trading, I have never been anywhere I really envy you Adventurers and the way you rove all over the face of the land. I hope that, in my remaining years, I will be able to leave this place and go see the world...and right now, it seems that you are my last chance!\n\nI have two friends who share my intentions; they are Old [111290|Madden] the Woodsman and Old [111291|Layren] the Hunter. Old [111290|Madden] the Woodsman usually hangs out in the little camp at [ZONE_LOMGART PATHWAY|Lomgart Pass]. If you would deliver this [202521|Letter] to him, I think he would give you a very warm welcome. Please!
Sys421318_szquest_complete_detail[111289|Hal] wanted you to come? Well, then I guess you are that savior who's going to help us leave this place...\n\nWhatever it takes, please, us three old men do this thing...I thank you in advance...
Sys421318_szquest_descHelp Old [111289|Hal], the Blacksmith at [ZONE_KARDAMOTH|Kadmos Trading Post], and deliver [202521|Hal's letter] to Old [111290|Madden], the Woodsman at [ZONE_LOMGART PATHWAY|Lomgart Pass]
Sys421318_szquest_uncomplete_detailNow where has [111291|Layren] run off to? He's been gone a while...