result count: 5

Sys421319_nameLayren's Whereabouts
Sys421319_szquest_accept_detailI feel really awkward saying it. Here you've come all this way in the wind and snow to see me, and it turns out that [111291|Layren] has gone off and disappeared somewhere...\n\nEven though I'm not one-hundred-percent sure, I think I know where he has gone. He has always harbored this strange fancy for the ruins at [ZONE_LOMGART|Lomgart]. I think he has run off that way once again!\n\nI should actually be the one going, because you're not from around here. It would be pretty easy for you to get lost in the tundra, you see, and that could prove quite dangerous. Unfortunately, though, even if it weren't for my age, my bad knees would keep me from venturing out on such a snowy could I ask you to help me go look for him?\n\nIf you find him, please tell him to return immediately. If he insists on staying, I have nothing against you using somewhat forceful methods to get him back here.
Sys421319_szquest_complete_detail(When you attempt to touch this old man lying in the snow, he suddenly opens his eyes and stares at you, seeming to say that he doesn't want you to touch him!)
Sys421319_szquest_descHelp Old [111290|Madden] the Woodsman at <CP>[ZONE_LOMGART PATHWAY|Lomgart Pass]</CP> to find his friend, Old [111291|Layren] the Hunter.
Sys421319_szquest_uncomplete_detail(This old man continues to lie in the snow, not moving at all.)