result count: 5

Sys421338_szquest_accept_detailThey need to get the punishment they deserve!\nBut look at me, such a decrepit, useless old man... Ah... I ask you, please, give my poor son some justice.\n([111286|Old Man Bolton] stops and coughs for a moment.)\nYoungster, I have nothing to give you for such service, but please, understand the feelings of a father who has lost his beloved son. But if you don't want to help...I understand. I will risk my own life and go find them!\n(With a trembling hand, [111286|Old Man Bolton] lifts [202682|Polleck's Sword], but you can tell that it takes all of his energy to do so.)
Sys421338_szquest_complete_detail([111286|Old Man Bolton] slowly lifts [202682|Polleck's Sword].)\nMy son Polleck, this brave soul has brought you justice. Be at peace.\n([111286|Old Man Bolton] closes his eyes, and tears slowly begin to appear.)
Sys421338_szquest_desc[111286|Old Man Bolton] asks you to avenge his son. Kill 15 [<S>100869|Mammoth Mothers].
Sys421338_szquest_uncomplete_detailI will go fight them now!! Ach...