result count: 5

Sys421339_nameStrange Runes
Sys421339_szquest_accept_detail(As you touch the rune, you hear a strange voice in your ear.) I know you're surprised. If you would like to know what happened to this person, bring the rune here to [111299|Meek Angelina]! You will find out who I am when you arrive.
Sys421339_szquest_complete_detailMeow...You are a brave soul. Or perhaps just curious? Don't be afraid; ever since you grabbed that rune, you have been able to hear whatever message I want to send you. Meow...ever since I acquired this rune, it's been this way. If you ask me why, I won't be able to tell you. [111286|Old Man Bolton] is not my master, but he is a good man. As was his son.
Sys421339_szquest_descThe rune's master hopes you will take it back to [111299|Meek Angelina].