result count: 12

SC_421343_0I've been waiting a long time for someone strong enough to defeat me!
SC_421343_1[100874|Angelina] and I have been searching for one powerful enough to fight cyclops soldiers. Everything you just experienced was our carefully planned "Trial"!
SC_421343_2Go back and find [100874|Angelina]. She will tell you what to do next. Goodbye, youngster!
SC_421343_3You feel some power coming from the relic, but nothing happens when you touch it!
SC_421343_4You feel some power coming from the relic, but you can't find your [202686|Shiny Rune]!
SC_421343_5You feel the [202686|Shiny Rune] move! It seems to be resonating with the relic! The rune disappears into a flash of light!
SC_421343_6You've already defeated Rusty. The rune remnants have already disappeared!
Sys421343_nameMammoth King
Sys421343_szquest_accept_detailIt seems that the time to defeat [100873|Rhyst] has come!\nMeow...carrying the rune that I gave you, find the ancient rune relics in the [ZONE_FIERGEN TUNDRA|Fiergen Tundra]. He will be drawn out by the power of the runes, and when he appears......fight well. Meow...I think it would be safer if you went and got some help.\n(Even though you think it's crazy that you could comprehend a cat's expression, [100874|Angelina] still looks to you as if she has a guilty conscience.)
Sys421343_szquest_complete_detailYou actually defeated Rhyst, and now I'm safe, [111286|Old Man Bolton] is safe, and you are safe.
Sys421343_szquest_desc[111299|Meek Angelina] wants you to use the [202686|Shiny Rune] to draw out [100873|Rhyst] and defeat him.
Sys421343_szquest_uncomplete_detailYou say he hasn't appeared? Did you take the rune I gave you?