result count: 4

Sys421352_namePromise Not to Offend Again!
Sys421352_szquest_accept_detailSigh...I didn't mean to break the totem.\n\nOur leader brought a team to search for treasure at [ZONE_LAKE OSURA|Lake Ousul]l, but we are worried because they haven't returned yet.\n\nThe totem seems to be the only suspicious thing around the lake. So I "softly" tapped it with a small knife, thinking that it might lead to a secret passageway or something...\n\nWe really, really didn't mean it! It was all for the treasure...Ah! was all to find the leader. What if he were trapped somewhere...\n\nPlease forgive me, I promise I will never break a totem again!
Sys421352_szquest_complete_detailAs long as you admit your fault!\nThe most important thing now is to restore the totem so that worship activities can continue.
Sys421352_szquest_descTell [111336|Bandit Leader's] promise to [111312|Benni].