result count: 7

SC_421357_0You want to know what this is? This is the fruit of war bestowed by the Wind Spirit. It is the Wind Spirit who sends his retainers in the shape of a black bird. But since the chief abandoned war with outsiders like you, we haven't used it for ages... We just need to rub on our battle oil made of these fruits, and no enemy could stand against us then! Haha!
SC_421357_1Shaman Kaboo, do you know what this is?
Sys421357_nameViolent Berry
Sys421357_szquest_accept_detailBefore reporting about the berries to the commander, there is another thing that I would like to confirm. However, with my status and purpose of coming here, I can't personally perform the task. People might start questioning and become unnecessarily suspicious, which might destroy the trust that we have finally established...\n\nI would like to find out what the Barbarians know about this fruit. I'm not talking about the ones at [ZONE_WIND WILD|Tempest Height], but can you help me ask around [ZONE_KARZAK CAMP|Karzak Camp]? I know that the Shaman is very knowledgeable in the use of plants.\n\nRemember, I don't want to cause any trouble so don't let them know that I am the one asking. is one of the materials they use in their body paint. No wonder, the Barbarians seem extra fierce once they've used what they call "War Paint"...
Sys421357_szquest_descHelp [110921|Ayren] find information about the berry in [ZONE_KARZAK CAMP|Karzak Camp].
Sys421357_szquest_uncomplete_detailOutsider, what do you want?