result count: 5

Sys421361_nameCalyoun's New Shoes
Sys421361_szquest_accept_detailA few days ago, while exploring [ZONE_KALTUROK HIVE|Kal Turok Hive], I spontaneously kicked a [100881|Budworm], and my beloved shoe got stuck on it!\n\nIt took me so long to save the money for those shoes, I even tricked my older brother into giving me money! My brother will be so mad if he found out that I lost it in a week...\n\nPlease help me retrieve my [<S>202697|Shiny New Shoes] from the [<S>100881|Budworms]!
Sys421361_szquest_complete_detailIt's covered in sticky goo! Should I trick my brother into buying me another pair of shoes?
Sys421361_szquest_descHelp [111311|Calyoun] to retrieve his [<S>202697|Shiny New Shoes] from the [<S>100881|Budworms] at [ZONE_KALTUROK HIVE|Kal Turok Hive] for.
Sys421361_szquest_uncomplete_detailPlease help me find my shoes!