result count: 5

Sys421367_szquest_accept_detailYou came to get anti-depressants for [111318|Manfield]?\n\nYou don't have the money...Are you kidding me?\n\nIf you don't have money, then you better pray that you can get 20 [<S>202754|Wind Claws] of [<S>100447|Gale Harpies] because I only accept these for barter.
Sys421367_szquest_complete_detailI will take these [<S>202754|Wind Claws]!\n\nI will give you the drugs in a little bit, what is the hurry?
Sys421367_szquest_desc[111317|Mira] wants you to go to [ZONE_HAWKS SCAR|Hawk's Cliff] and get 20 [<S>202754|Wind Claws] from [<S>100447|Gale Harpies].
Sys421367_szquest_uncomplete_detailThis [111318|Manfield], is he stupid? Seeing him staying in the same place for the past years, and seeing him the way he is today, it's hard to imagine what he was like before...\n\nAnd you...if you are smart, you shouldn't continue helping the bad guy!