result count: 5

Sys421373_nameAnother Organism
Sys421373_szquest_accept_detailGreat! Although the secretions of the [<S>100881|Budworms] you captured last time are similar, there is an important difference. I suspect that there is yet another organism in the hive!\n\nIf it is not [<S>100881|Budworms] or Myrmex, then there must be another organism.\n\n[100881|Budworm] mutations? Why didn't you say so earlier? You should've captured [<S>100435|Mutated Budworms] from the beginning!\n\nAhh... Fine! Blaming you isn't going to make it better. Just go quickly and capture these [<S>100435|Mutated Budworms]!
Sys421373_szquest_complete_detailI've just thought of a very interesting problem. After I've researched it, I'll tell you about it.
Sys421373_szquest_descCollect 20 [<S>202760|Mutated Budworm Bodies] from [ZONE_KALTUROK HIVE|Kal Turok Hive] for [111315|Stedman].
Sys421373_szquest_uncomplete_detail[<S>100435|Mutated Budworms]...and secretion...