result count: 5

Sys421376_nameA Difficult Job
Sys421376_szquest_accept_detailThis is a very clear map! I'm in awe of my own brilliance!\n\nWait! The materials I have are still missing information on the [100434|Kal Turok King Myrmex]! I need to gather all the data before I can continue my analysis of the Myrmex hive!\n\nSo... You can help me by collecting some [<S>202762|Glands] from [<S>100434|Kal Turok King Myrmex]. Then I can analyze them. The procedure is a little complicated.
Sys421376_szquest_complete_detailI can finally do the research I wanted.
Sys421376_szquest_descHelp [111316|Epikur] by going to the Myrmex hive and getting 20 [<S>202762|Glands] from [<S>100434|Kal Turok King Myrmex].
Sys421376_szquest_uncomplete_detailThe earlier you're back, the earlier I can do my research!