result count: 5

Sys421393_nameDevolver el collarReturning the Necklace
Sys421393_szquest_accept_detail¿Podéis ayudarme con una cosa? Llevadle este collar a [110320|Evelyn], en la [ZONE_OBSIDIAN BASTION|Fortaleza Obsidiana]. Me gustaría hacerlo yo mismo pero, cada vez que la veo... ¡me pongo colorado como un tomate! También he recogido un ramo de flores para ella. ¿Se lo dais con el collar?\nSi os pregunta quién le manda el [202772|Ramo hermoso], no olvidéis decirle que es [110345|Solins].Please help me with something! Could you deliver this necklace to [110320|Evelyn] at the [ZONE_OBSIDIAN BASTION|Obsidian Stronghold]? I really would like to deliver it myself, but every time I see her, alas... I blush so much my entire face turns bright red! Oh yes, I also picked a bouquet of flowers for her, please deliver it along with the necklace!\nIf she asks who sent this [202772|Beautiful Bouquet], please don't forget to tell her my name, [110345|Solins]!
Sys421393_szquest_complete_detail¡Oh, [110345|Solins]! Ojalá se curase de su timidez. No es mal chico. ¡Gracias por devolverme este collar!Oh, [110345|Solins]... if he could only get rid of that shyness of his... he's really not a bad guy. Thank you for delivering this necklace to me!
Sys421393_szquest_descAyudad a [110345|Solins] a recuperar el [202771|Collar de Evelyn] y "aprovechad la ocasión" para llevarle un [202772|Ramo hermoso] de parte de [110345|Solins].Help [110345|Solins] recover her [202771|Evelyn's Necklace], and "take the opportunity" to also deliver the bouquet of [202772|Beautiful Bouquet] from [110345|Solins].
Sys421393_szquest_uncomplete_detail¿Qué voy a hacer? ¡Ese collar me lo regaló mi madre!Oh no, what can I do... That was the necklace my mother gave me...