result count: 5

Sys421424_nameDelivering the Ring
Sys421424_szquest_accept_detailThe ring is done, hurry and bring it back to that alcoholic [111337|Sylvester]!\n\nAlso, please don't spread the news that I helped make a [202793|Transport Ring of the Wind]. I will be kicked out of Ailic's Community if people knew about it since our objectives are still kept secret right now.
Sys421424_szquest_complete_detailSo it hasn't been a waste to buy that guy alcohol after all...
Sys421424_szquest_descDeliver the completed [202793|Transport Ring of the Wind] back to [111337|Sylvester].
Sys421424_szquest_uncomplete_detailWhat else can I do for [110322|Sabelia] and [110336|Darhill]?