result count: 5

Sys421435_nameSinging Passion
Sys421435_szquest_accept_detailYou know what my dream is?\n\nMy dream is to organize a GIANT CONCERT!\nThat way I could let everyone in [ZONE_HINTERVALE|Pioneers Colony]... no, everyone in the entire region... enjoy my music!\n\nI've already prepared some beautiful music, I'm now lacking some good musical instruments!\nMaking musical instruments requires a lot of wood. If you see any decent wood around here, please collect 5 blocks of [201749|Ash Timber] for me!\n\nCan I entrust the great responsibility of helping organize my concert to you?
Sys421435_szquest_complete_detailExcellent! I finally have wood to make more musical instruments again!
Sys421435_szquest_descHelp [110470|Woody Woods] collect 5 blocks of [201749|Ash Timber].
Sys421435_szquest_uncomplete_detailThe music is all prepared. All that's missing is some musical instruments...