result count: 5

Sys421437_nameAnnoyed Alice
Sys421437_szquest_accept_detail[110470|Woody Woods], always asking for more throat medicine thinking that he is some super star!\n\nIf I had a wish, I wish he would stop singing! Hmm... why don't I just make a potion that can stop his singing!\n\nCan you help me gather 20 blades of [200335|Mountain Demon Grass]? Don't worry its not going to be poisonous. It will only stop him from singing for awhile.
Sys421437_szquest_complete_detailThese materials are perfect!
Sys421437_szquest_descHelp [110471|Alice] gather 20 blades of [200335|Mountain Demon Grass].
Sys421437_szquest_uncomplete_detailRather than making a potion to protect [110470|Woody Woods'] throat, I should make a potion that would protect everyone's ear!