result count: 5

Sys421461_nameRecovering Lost Love
Sys421461_szquest_accept_detailA year ago, while escaping from [ZONE_DARMAS|Dogamor], my lover, Dandelion, lost her life in [ZONE_MISTVASS|Mispel Marsh].\n\nNow I am seriously ill, and will also be summoned by Death.\n\nI hope that when I die I can be buried with my lover. This was the last thing I promised her before she died.\n\nBut I'm too weak, and can no longer search this marsh for the place she was buried.\n\nCan you help me? This is my last request.
Sys421461_szquest_complete_detailThank you for fulfilling my final wish.
Sys421461_szquest_descHelp [111503|Jente Pilis] of [ZONE_MISTVASS|Mispel Marsh] find [<S>203093|Dandelion's Remains], which were lost in [ZONE_MISTVASS|Mispel Marsh].
Sys421461_szquest_uncomplete_detailI find it difficult to describe the place she's buried. I just remember that there were ruins nearby.