result count: 5

Sys421467_nameA Threat by the Scaloks
Sys421467_szquest_accept_detailSouth of [ZONE_MISTVASS|Mispel Marsh] there are creatures called "[<S>100754|Furious Scaloks]". They are hindering our communications and support to the front lines.\n\nI would like you to kill a few [<S>100754|Furious Scaloks] in order to make things easier for us.
Sys421467_szquest_complete_detailVery good. This should make things much easier for us.
Sys421467_szquest_descKill 15 [<S>100754|Furious Scaloks] in [ZONE_MISTVASS|Mispel Marsh] for [111486|Pelards Sookla] in [ZONE_ASHLAR ENCAMPMENT|Ashlar Camp].
Sys421467_szquest_uncomplete_detailGood job, keep up the good work!