result count: 5

Sys421468_nameAshlar Errands
Sys421468_szquest_accept_detailThose animals are everywhere! Everywhere!\n\nWhat's wrong with those Order of Dark Glory guys? We're supposed to be training for battle! Not acting as shepherd dogs!\n\nNow they're wanting us to kill some [<S>100760|Giant Moss Rhinoceroses] when I already have my hands full training an army! I don't have time for this!\n\nYou! You're with the Order of Dark Glory, right? Or one of their mercenaries... or an adventurer... I don't care! These are your problems, so you take care of them!\n\nWhen you're done, go report to [111486|Pelards Sookla]. And tell him to stop bothering me with such nuisances!
Sys421468_szquest_complete_detailSo that's what [111487|Liej Ashlar] said...?\n\nOh well... Compared to [111267|Iron Heel Ayren], he's just a bit cranky. Far and away much more manageable than that rebellious Whitefur [100794|Blackhorn Hafiz]...\n\nWhy do I always have to work with such people...?\n\nI'm sorry... I did not mean to ramble on.\n\nYour efforts will not be forgotten by the Order of Dark Glory. Please take this! Consider it your reward.
Sys421468_szquest_descHelp [ZONE_ASHLAR ENCAMPMENT|Ashlar Camp] by reducing the nearby [100760|Giant Moss Rhinoceros] population by 15, and then report to [111486|Pelards Sookla].
Sys421468_szquest_uncomplete_detailThose [<S>100760|Giant Moss Rhinoceroses] are getting far too close to our camp. Their numbers must be reduced...