result count: 5

Sys421471_nameHunters in the Sky
Sys421471_szquest_accept_detailMy teacher once told me that he recorded a huge predatory bird in [ZONE_DARMAS|Dogamor] during one of his research expeditions. Despite its large size, it could swoop down upon its prey with deadly accuracy and efficiency from high up in the skies.\n\nThe Whitefurs call these birds [100875|Giant Green-winged Black Kite].\n\nI'm very interested in these extraordinary birds, and I would like to conduct some further research on them. Unfortunately, I've found it rather difficult to obtain some samples, since numerous Cyclopes roam [ZONE_DARMAS|Dogamor], as you have no doubt noticed.\n\nTherefore, I ask that you obtain some [<S>203094|Huge Eyeballs of Black Kites] for my research. You'll find them in the northern peaks of [ZONE_DARMAS|Dogamor].
Sys421471_szquest_complete_detailWords escape me, but I am truly thankful. Now I can finally begin my research.\n\nThis is for you. Take it, don't be shy!
Sys421471_szquest_descAssist [111521|Timlod Sid] of [ZONE_OBSIDIAN ORDER OUTPOST|Order of Dark Glory Vanguard] by obtaining 5 [<S>203094|Huge Eyeballs of Black Kites] from the peaks of [ZONE_DARMAS|Dogamor].
Sys421471_szquest_uncomplete_detailAlthough [<S>100875|Giant Green-winged Black Kites] are confirmed to exist there, you may or may not find them.\n\nTry looking for them at different times. Perhaps you'll get lucky.