result count: 5

Sys421502_nameRoasted Pork Feast
Sys421502_szquest_accept_detailJunior Treasurehunt Squad Member No. 7, I hear that [ZONE_MISTVASS|Mispel Marsh] has another exquisite specialty - roasted pork!\n\nPut those [<S>100745|Crested Pigs] over the fire, brush some Jasmin Truffle Sauce over it, and you've got yourself a delicious meal.\n\nCould I bother you for some [203122|Red Pork Meat] from those [<S>100745|Crested Pigs]?\n\nRoasted ... pork... I want some roasted pork!
Sys421502_szquest_complete_detailOoo... such fresh and succulent pork. I can hear it calling to me.
Sys421502_szquest_descObtain 20 pieces of [203122|Red Pork Meat] from [<S>100745|Crested Pigs] in [ZONE_MISTVASS|Mispel Marsh], and then give them to [111495|Talif Yuan].
Sys421502_szquest_uncomplete_detailI'm so hungry...\n\nRoasted ... pork...I wanna eat roasted pork!