result count: 6

SC_421503_0Please give me a bundle of firewood.
Sys421503_nameFirewood Needed
Sys421503_szquest_accept_detailThe ingredients are all ready. Now I'm just missing [203133|Firewood] for the fire itself.\n\nPlease go to the nearby [ZONE_OBSIDIAN ORDER OUTPOST|Order of Dark Glory Vanguard] and get some [203133|Firewood] from [111063|Mark].
Sys421503_szquest_complete_detailYou're finally back! I'm so hungry I could eat a horse!\n\nLet's get that fire started.
Sys421503_szquest_descGet some [203133|Firewood] from [111063|Mark] in the [ZONE_OBSIDIAN ORDER OUTPOST|Order of Dark Glory Vanguard] and then return to [111495|Talif Yuan].
Sys421503_szquest_uncomplete_detailJust missing the firewood, and then it's grilled fish and roasted pork time!