result count: 6

SC_421509_0Oh, good! This is a [203149|Liquid Extractor]!
Sys421509_nameRetrieve Herbalism Tools
Sys421509_szquest_accept_detailThe herbalism tools! Where are they?\n\nWhere are my herbalism tools? Why can't I find them?\n\nIf we don't start the mixing procedure immediately, the [<S>203148|Takracier Flowers] will lose their potency.\n\nForget it! I don't care! We'll just borrow some from [111574|Beir Harl] first.\n\n[111574|Beir Harl] is right by the lake, hurry and get me that [203149|Liquid Extractor].
Sys421509_szquest_complete_detailQuick... quick... quick...
Sys421509_szquest_descGet a [203149|Liquid Extractor] for [111500|Ima Hal] from [111574|Beir Harl] by the lake.
Sys421509_szquest_uncomplete_detailI can't take this anymore!