result count: 5

Sys421512_nameBiological Specimens
Sys421512_szquest_accept_detailLet's see... The research outline's second major subject is the analysis of structural motion of [100795|Floating Balloon Monsters].\n\nThis is relatively easy. As long as we have enough samples, we'll be able to uncover their secrets!\n\nThe thing is, I'm still analyzing the contents of the stomachs of those pigs!\n\nMy friend, it seems like the [<S>203152|Biological Samples] are all on you now!
Sys421512_szquest_complete_detailHehe, you're back?\n\n([111500|Ima Hal] lets out a strange, worrying laugh.)\n\nI'm fine... I'm fine...
Sys421512_szquest_descGather 10 [<S>203152|Biological Samples] from the [<S>100795|Floating Balloon Monsters] for [111500|Ima Hal].
Sys421512_szquest_uncomplete_detailAaaaaaaaa...\n\nThere's far too little time for this.