result count: 5

Sys421514_nameOld Spare Parts
Sys421514_szquest_accept_detailApart from these stone fragments, the Rune Guardians are also within the region I research.\n\nThose Rune Guardians were created with magical engineering by an ancient civilization, and they still carry their orders out to this very day!\n\nKid, don't you think that's just amazing?\n\nI wonder what kind of parts keep it running, and how?\n\nYou must be curious too, eh kid?\n\nI would be able to delve into their secrets if I had 10 [<S>203168|Old Spare Parts].\n\n([111502|Lijao Bochnass] stares at you expectantly, making it hard for you to say no.)
Sys421514_szquest_complete_detailSuch delicate ancient engineering!\n\nI just cannot believe the level of this ancient civilization's magical engineering!
Sys421514_szquest_descGather 10 [<S>203168|Old Spare Parts] for [111502|Lijao Bochnass].