result count: 14

SC_421544_1[111818|Councilor Randus], I want you to understand that if you cannot help pass this proposal, the funding you are receiving from us will have to stop!
SC_421544_2No, please don't say that. There are just some obstacles. I will think of something.
SC_421544_3Then, we will await your good news. If we receive none, I believe we will be able to find a more able councilor to work with.
SC_421544_4You should know, there are plenty of councilors who are waiting to work with us.
SC_421544_5...I understand.
SC_421544_6About [111818|Councilor Randus]...
SC_421544_7Did council president [110175|Berol] ask you to come and investigate?\n\n[111818|Councilor Randus] should be over by the meeting table. Go look around there. If someone asks, just say you are cleaning up.
SC_421544_8Thank you, I understand!
SC_421544_9If someone asks who you are, just tell them you are here to clean up.
Sys421544_nameSecret Investigation
Sys421544_szquest_accept_detailAs you can see, all the members of the council are embroiled in faction disputes. It's always the same. Everyone just wants the proposal that benefits their faction approved. I'm the council president so they use all the tricks in the book to plead with me.\n\nHowever, something in particular has made me wary. Recently, [111818|Councilor Randus] has started to act very strangely. I think it has something to do with those two strange friends of his standing behind him. I want to know more about their backgrounds.\n\nThis is a sensitive issue though, and I can't look into it directly as council president. Could I ask you to help me? It is for the citizens of [ZONE_VARANAS|Varanas].\n\n[111818|Councilor Randus] is usually holding his meetings at the meeting table just above here. Take the stairs up and take a left turn. You can't miss him. Before you go, speak with [111669|Felom]. He'll help you with a disguise. Please be as discrete as possible. Don't let them know that you're investigating.
Sys421544_szquest_complete_detailSounds like my fears weren't unfounded! Thank you for telling me! I will find a way to resolve this for the honor of [ZONE_VARANAS|Varanas]!\n\nIf in the future we would need your assistance again, I wish you would give it. I thank you on behalf of the people of [ZONE_VARANAS|Varanas].
Sys421544_szquest_descHelp [110175|Berol] by investigating the relationship between [111818|Councilor Randus] and the mysterious guests. Go up the stairs and take a left to reach the meeting table. Speak with [111669|Felom] for help first in disguising yourself. Return to [110175|Berol] when you have completed your quest.
Sys421544_szquest_uncomplete_detailAccording to my information, those mysterious guests have been in contact with many of our council members. I hope they are not plotting something.