result count: 5

SC_421549... didn't I tell them to proceed with caution?
Sys421549_nameMore Help
Sys421549_szquest_accept_detailPlease give my thanks to the Eye of Wisdom and let them know that we need more help.
Sys421549_szquest_complete_detailAre you sure that the strange mask people you saw at the [ZONE_THE FORLORN MONASTARY|Forsaken Abbey] are the same as the ones you saw at the council of Varanas?\n\n([111660|Salond] thinks deeply...)\n\nPlease forget what you have seen. Getting involved might make the garrison think that the Eye of Wisdom is meddling too much in other's affairs. It could be an unnecessary mistake.
Sys421549_szquest_descReport to [111660|Salond] of the Eye of Wisdom.