result count: 5

Sys421550_nameObtain the Rune
Sys421550_szquest_accept_detailSo, I have this student, [111690|Alfreto], who always wants to learn more. But he isn't the right material to learn very complicated elemental control skills, so I have decided to give him some rune power instead.\n\nCan you get a [203381|Rune of Spider's Strength] off of a [100213|Thorn Spider] from the [ZONE_DUSKTHORN QUARRY|Twilight Mine]? Take it to [111690|Alfreto] of [ZONE_POIDAN CARAVAN|Vender Caravan] and ask him to attach it to his weapon. This should give the weapon some rune power.\n\nThis will be much better than wasting so much time on getting him to understand elementral control.
Sys421550_szquest_complete_detail[111660|Salond] is giving me a rune? He wants me to attach it to my weapon, I guess?
Sys421550_szquest_descGo to the [ZONE_DUSKTHORN QUARRY|Twilight Mine] and obtain a [203381|Rune of Spider's Strength] from a [100213|Thorn Spider] and give it to [111690|Alfreto] at [ZONE_POIDAN CARAVAN|Vender Caravan].
Sys421550_szquest_uncomplete_detailI need more power...