result count: 5

Sys421558_nameDifficult Task
Sys421558_szquest_accept_detailWhen you were at the Gordon's did you hear anything?\n\nSomeone has told me that the Gordon's were planning something horrible. But I have known them for such a long time... I can't doubt them like that. I need to investigate more.\n\nThank you for your help with the Eye of Wisdom. [110243|Marisus] and I already consider you our friend. I hope you don't think that we're being over-familiar?\n\nTherefore, [110243|Marisus] and I feel that you are the best candidate for this dangerous and top secret mission. Have a think about it and when you have reached level 18, come and talk to me!
Sys421558_szquest_complete_detailThank you my friend.
Sys421558_szquest_descIf you want to help the Eye of Wisdom and have reached level 18, please speak with [111660|Salond].
Sys421558_szquest_uncomplete_detailThe mission that I am sending you on is top secret! Only you will be able to help us...