result count: 4

Sys421565_nameSearch for the Legendary Sword
Sys421565_szquest_accept_detail([110243|Marisus] carefully reads the page you have brought.)\n\nMaybe this legendary sword, the Eulogy of Blood, isn't just a legend. If the book is correct, then its power is so awesome that it could level mountains! But if this sword were to fall into the hands of the Zurhidon men, it could be a disaster!\n\nThe only way to prevent such a thing is to find it before they do.\n\nThe book details that the sword is buried somewhere in [ZONE_ASLAN|Aslan Valley]. My friend, [110026|Gudisen], has been researching there for a long time, so he might have some knowledge of it.\n\nI can only trust you. The sword has been know to swallow the souls of the weak and turn them into mad men.
Sys421565_szquest_complete_detailWelcome, adventurer.
Sys421565_szquest_descGo to [ZONE_ASLAN|Aslan Valley] and find the biologist [110026|Gudisen].