result count: 7

SC_421572_1You do not have an object to pour the [203410|Essence of the Forest] into!
SC_421572_2Suddenly, a goblin jumps out and steals your compass!
Sys421572_namePower of the Jade Valley
Sys421572_szquest_accept_detailBesides the power of the Water God, we will also need [111762|Essence of the Forest] from Jade Valley to make the compass work. Take [203409|Compass] to the deepest parts of Jade Valley and fill it with [111762|Essence of the Forest].
Sys421572_szquest_complete_detailWhat?! The Goblins stole the compass?\n\nWhy? This is strange...
Sys421572_szquest_descTake [203409|Compass] to Jade Valley and find [111762|Essence of the Forest]! Put his strength in [203409|Compass] and then return to [110037|Eno].
Sys421572_szquest_uncomplete_detailHave you found it?