result count: 9

SC_421574_1What I feared most has happened...
SC_421574_2The clash between the demons and humanity took a heavy toll on both sides, so that I was helpless to make a difference.
SC_421574_3My many efforts to persuade Androth to give up his ambitions failed.
SC_421574_4Therefore, I was left with no choice but to help Kalume and the humans fight in the Great Banishment...
Sys421574_namePlanting Demon Vines
Sys421574_szquest_accept_detailNow we have the compass back, we can continue. We will need a special fiber from a Demon Vine and [203412|Blessed Dew] that can be found on the [111767|Altar of the Divinity of Spring Water] near the New Moon Camp.\n\nHere is an [203414|Aslan Mud Cultivation Bag]. Take it to New Moon Forest. Get [<S>203413|Unknown Seeds] from the Demon Vines there and plant them in the earth. I will need 10 [<S>203429|Demon Vines] to have enough to make the extract we need.
Sys421574_szquest_complete_detailPlease wait while I prepare the extract.
Sys421574_szquest_descGo to the New Moon Camp and get [203412|Blessed Dew] from the [111767|Altar of the Divinity of Spring Water]. Then obtain [<S>203413|Unknown Seeds] from either a [100229|Demonthorn Vine] or a [100230|Bloodthirsty Demon Vine]. After that, use the earth [110037|Eno] gave you to plant the seeds in. [110037|Eno] needs 10 [<S>203429|Demon Vines].
Sys421574_szquest_uncomplete_detailSo many different life forms in [ZONE_ASLAN|Aslan Valley] and each of them is exhibiting strange behavior. I fear that this is a bad sign...