result count: 4

Sys421575_nameFinding the Needle
Sys421575_szquest_accept_detailThe compass is almost complete! Now all we are missing is the needle.\n\n[110317|Lajos Halka] once thought about using this compass to search for something but the needle had been stolen a few decades before that and he was forced to give up the idea.\n\nI do know that he sent his knights to the remotest regions in search of the needle as. The result of the search is unknown.\n\nThe Distillery to the south attracts many adventurers and also some retired Order of Dark Glory soldiers. Seek [111768|Heiger] out. He was once a close friend of [110317|Lajos Halka]. If the Order of Dark Glory did discover anything regarding the needles whereabouts, he would know.
Sys421575_szquest_complete_detailCompass needle? Haha...\n\nI could tell you... for the right price...
Sys421575_szquest_descGo to The Distillery and find [111768|Heiger].